Life Coaching/Nature-based Coaching
45 mins x 5 sessions
SGD 1000
• Self-discovery through the Enneagram Personality Profiling
• Identify, clarify and create personal vision and goals
• Develop personal growth in desired area (e.g relationship, health, financial)
• Identify limiting belief and installing empowering beliefs
• 5 x 45 minutes of Online coaching sessions
• Nature-based Coaching only: Commencing at - 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 5.00 p.m., 6.00 p.m
Career Coaching
45 mins x 5 sessions
SGD 1200
• Identify your career traits, preferences and competencies (Harrison Assessment)
• Establish alignment between personal and career goals
• Develop Personal Branding strategy
• Strategies to Crafting effective resumes
• Improve on interview and presentation skills
• 5 x 45 minutes of Online coaching sessions
Speed Coaching
15 mins x 5 sessions
SGD 300
• An additional option for anyone who has signed up for any of the above packages
• 5 x 15 minutes of Speed coaching sessions
• To have a power-packed rapid fire questioning session to organise your thoughts:
o before an important meeting or discussion
o to get new insights to a problem
o to gain input to building a strategy prior to an important decision